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Expedite The PrisonEd Mission

An Invitation To Participate

All Hands In

To expedite is to facilitate or accelerate a process or cause.



Prison personnel make a vital difference in the ascending process.  


Mr. Douglas: 

“There are people employed here that are actually here to help us, to let us know that we aren’t just the thrown-out refuse that society has cast out, but that we are still real people.”


Mr. Lance:

“I came into prison with a lot of hate and hostility. My therapist set a spark that grew into a wildfire of change. I continually look for ways to continue that change.”




Citizens select political leaders who appoint prison executives.


As prisoners reenter society, citizens hold immense influence by asking the central question: What did you accomplish in prison?


Contact local and prison and jail authorities and inquire about volunteer opportunities. A possibility is leading book discussion groups starting with Voices from Prison and Freedom Behind Bars.  


Provide copies of Voices from Prison and Freedom Behind Bars to your local prison or jail libraries. Contact an officer or librarian. Order books directly from Amazon.





Expeditors are invited to expand the number of books PrisonEd can send to students in prisons and jails. 



PrisonEd Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization.


Contributions to PrisonEd Foundation may be made through the following: 



Make payable to: PrisonEd Foundation

Mail to:  PO Box 382, Spanish Fork, UT 84660.



We occasionally need volunteers to assist with PrisonEd logistics, cleric work, or interacting with PrisonEd students regarding assignments submitted. Particular needs will be posted on this page. Note: we will not be tutoring in specific academic areas, but providing supportive response to assignments turned in.


If someone would like to indicate an interest in being a volunteer, email Don Wright, and provide a brief description of interest and background. We may not be able to utilize your services immediately, but your information will be kept on record.  Appreciation.



Professional Woman's Portrait
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